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Co-Founder, creator and artist of A Dozen Roses, Sandy Cataldo, signing bottles
Director of Classic Fragrances
Beth is passionate about life, colorful and inspiring,she has been helping others create lives that they love for over 20 years. Years of experience as a visual stylist blended with an extensive background in public relations and an emphasis on personal and corporate branding allowed her to work in and eventually become the President of one of the most prestigious Jewelry, Gift and Tableware businesses in Northeast Ohio. Beth has been privileged to have many of her articles published nationally, and has enjoyed giving many interviews over the years, most notably to Martha Stewart Living, Gifts and Decorative Accessories, Town and Country, The Cleveland Times and Tableware Today. A gifted cook and creative hostess, Beth has also had the distinct honor and pleasure of designing the table settings for several TV series, including Julia Child Cooks at Home with Friends, Julia Child Cooks with Jacque Pepin and the Todd English and Olives Restaurant cooking show. She has also created the table setting designs for the books of the same name. When she's not obsessively writing or traveling or shopping she's busy as the sitting President of The Women's Committee of The Cleveland Orchestra. Beth is also delighted to be a featured writer for Perfume Smelling Things and her own personal blogs Schreibman's Live and The Windesphere Witch. Ms.Gehring was nominated for a Fifi Editorial Excellence Award for her article "Why I Write About Perfume" in 2010.